When playing MPEG1/2 video, Marquee text "jumps", repeatedly expanding/shifting horizontally, then returning back to normal size. (Sample frames attached.)
This happens regardless of video output mode (tested direct, WinGDI, and caca) or video size. The behavior did NOT exist in 1.1.11 on either Linux or Windows, but does exist in Windows 2.0 (2.0 isn't available for Ubuntu 11.04 and the daily build crashed as soon as play was hit, so I didn't test on Linux). It doesn't happen with MPEG4, video capture, desktop, etc. -- only on MPEG1/2. It also happens regardless of whether the video is moving or paused.
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It only jumps when the marquee text is updated (marq-marquee). It happens even if the text isn't actually changed. (i.e. "change" from "X" to "X").
Observing paused video (sorry the screenshots show moving video, so it's not as clear), it's not only the text that's afected, but all of the video to the right and below the text jumps. This seems to be true no matter what the position of the marquee is.
The default value is 1000ms, but as a work around when I manually set the value for "--marq-refresh=-1",
the text no longer jumps around, marquee timecode still updates and counts up every second.
I've got this issue as well, with XviD or DivX/AVI and x264/MP4 as well as MPG. I first noticed it on 2.0.1 and am now on 2.0.4. My marquee is displaying time values and is positioned for the lower right corner.
The text size changing is what causes the flicker for me too (examples attached).
There is a related marquee flicker problem. I have a couple of videos that were transcoded with incorrect display aspect ratio causing them to appear tall and narrow on playback. I change their aspect ratio to 16:9 in VLC and this fixes their appearance. But an interesting thing happens with the marquee position for these videos. When the video is first started playing (tall and narrow) the marquee is in the lower right corner as it should be. After I change the aspect ratio to 16:9, the marquee position changes to an indented spot a little bit to the left. It's as if the marquee is still anchored to the original display aspect ratio. When the marquee text changes size it also jumps over to the correct position in the lower right corner, then returns to the incorrect (indented) position (examples attached). So there isn't just a flicker, the marquee text is jumping in and out of the lower right corner.
Thank you for your workaround, netplay! The 1 ms refresh works for me too. In the case of the above videos set to 16:9 for playback, the marquee is still incorrecly indented from the corner, but there is no flicker/jump, it stays put.
I have been using version 2.0.5 and was using the workaround (setting the refresh to -1) successfully.However some bugs in 2.0.5 require that I upgrade to a newer version where the bugs are fixed (they are fixed since 2.0.8).
The problem is that with all newer versions that I tried the workaround doesn't work anymore so I am back to square one:
When using a marquee to show the system time it is jumpy every time the text changes (i.e. every second).
Rémi Denis-Courmontchanged title from VLC 2.0: Marquee jumpy over MPEG1/2 to marque (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2
changed title from VLC 2.0: Marquee jumpy over MPEG1/2 to marque (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2
Rémi Denis-Courmontchanged title from marque (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2 to marquee (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2
changed title from marque (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2 to marquee (VLC 2.0): jumpy over MPEG1/2
Is there likely to be any progress with this, or am I missing some other update or work around?
As the last comments mentioned, any workaround no longer works on the later versions. I am running the 2.1.5 Rincewind on Windows and this issue is still taking place.