Full Range videos are displayed incorrectly in VLC Media Player
The current version of VLC that I'm using is 3.0.0. I generally record gameplay footage as MP4 files with OBS Studio; they are recorded in the Full Range and the color format is NV12. Recently, because several videos on Youtube and a few other places looked washed-out and my video files that were recorded in the limited range looked washed out in VLC Media Player as well, I changed the video color settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel so that they would be displayed in the full range. This helped those videos look correct.
However, the videos that were recorded in the full range do not display correctly now. VLC Media Player seems to treat the full range videos as if they were limited range instead, causing colors that are normally only very bright and very dark to be crushed to white and black, respectively. VLC Media Player should be able to distinguish between a limited range video file and a full range and so expand only the limited range one.