Subtitles autodetection does not work when streaming over http interface
I am using VLC 0.8.6a on a windows XP SP2 machine. VLC is controlled remotely over the http interface by a vlc client running on dreambox machine. The problem is that subtitles are not auto detected. I start vlc with the following options:
H:>"h:\Installations\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --extraintf=http -vvv --freetype-fontsize=24 --sout-transcode-soverlay --sub-margin 24 --sout-transcode-fps=25 --sub-autodetect-file --sub-autodetect-fuzzy=3 --noosd --sub-autodetect-path=H:
Both movie and subtitle files are on root directory H: (Named test.avi and When the movie is started i see the following in the vlc log:
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in H:\ main debug: looking for a subtitle file in H:\
But no srt file is detected.
The full vlc log file is attached.
Please note that if i start the file from windows explorer or within vlc then the srt file is detected.
The only way to load the srt file is by using --sub-file.