DETAIL: VLC runs correctly "as if" it was streaming, but in fact NOTHING ON THE NETWORKS.
vlc -vvv "" --sout #transcode{vcodec=none,acodec=s16l,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=48000}:standard{access=udp,mux=raw,dst=}
AND OTHER VLC for listening.
It seems that nothing is also sent on the network, using other ip than ....
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VLC does send S16L over raw UDP if you really set it. It works just fine. Of course, it is a totally stupid thing to do. Even if the receiver would know the channel count, sample rate and format, it wouldn't be able to detect packet loss of reordering.
RTP is the only correct way to stream s16l out of VLC.
Still not working for me :'( ... Did you try my exact command line ? VLC sender is starting normally, but cannot get any data and sound on the other side (VLC receiver)
How do you read the stream on VLC receiver side ? Just tried to get "udp://" but got nothing. I'm indeed surprised that I don't have to fill any format "s16l" to help the receiver 'detect' the format of what is streamt
... this is a beginning. Thanks for the tip for VLC receiver (indeed it forces rawaudio demux as I see in messages window) ; but I still have no sound at receiver :'(
Not working on 1.1.0 , seems to be problem at "major" version change ?
I noticed something else, in old version 1.0.5, if I am not forcing the demux, it selects "MPEG2-PS" (ok) but I see in message window that a stream is coming and not recognized (synchro problem) : so SOMETHING is coming even if it is wrong format. This I can understand. In 1.1.0, even forcing any of demux/transport format NOTHING is coming to receiver, no synchro problem. Just waiting for a stream that never comes out the VLC sender.