VLC plugin crash in MS PowerPoint
Using VLC plugin Active X control to embbed video in MS PowerPoint (2003/2010) is generating an error (PPT terminates) with VLC1.1.x.
It was working with v1.0.3. Is this regression under investigation?
Using VLC plugin Active X control to embbed video in MS PowerPoint (2003/2010) is generating an error (PPT terminates) with VLC1.1.x.
It was working with v1.0.3. Is this regression under investigation?
added Severity::major label
changed milestone to %1.1.x maintenance
For lack of an ActiveX maintainer, this is not currently being worked on, no.
added Severity::normal label and removed Severity::major label
changed milestone to %Bugs paradize
Is it still actual? If so, can you give me a sample?
No, it was fixed in 1.1.12
added Status::fixed label
VideoLAN code repository instance