When changing preferences and pressing "save" preferences windows closes.
This affects usability, since it needs to be reopened to change more settings.
This is years old, but the problem of Preferences UI closing immediately on clicking Save, still exists in most Windows 2.0.x & 2.1.0 versions. If it ever was fixed, it became unfixed. Wastes a lot of time for me.
The Prefs UI should NOT close when click save, because users OFTEN make changes in > one section. Yes, you can just make all changes desired before saving. But if you forget & click Save, have to reopen & resize the whole UI.
Most well designed apps, with multiple screens / sections, accessible from one UI, don't close the entire UI after clicking Save or Apply.
They usually gray out the Save or Apply button, once clicked (until make more changes during same editing session). Then they have another button - OK, or Close, separate from Save. So users can save (or Apply) changes as they're made in a particular section, then move to another section.
True, Fx is similar - it has "OK" button, which does close the UI. But it & VLC are not in the majority on this. If Fx jumped off a cliff, would VLC also? :D
Re: resizing; that's not what the original ticket was about, but... Not sure if you're a VLC dev or "guru," that spends countless hrs working w/ prefs & have it mostly memorized. Most users don't.
Average users may not know if a pref exists, what it's named, much less always remember where it's located. For that majority of users, scrolling thru a LONG list w/ tons of sub menus in a tiny window is a hassle.